Monday, August 26, 2013

Experiencing Happiness

Today, I’m experiencing happiness.  Such happiness that I get tears in my eyes.  Such happiness that I can’t sleep (even though I’m exhausted.)  Such happiness that I even cleaned the house thoroughly for two hours this evening, smiling the whole time (the husband liked this.)  Today was officially my fourth first day of school teaching fifth grade.  As I reflect on my experiences throughout the day, I know very clearly that I have the most rewarding job.  

While driving to work today, tears welled in my eyes throughout the drive.  I witnessed God readying my heart for the school year through the symbolization of two deer.  At the beginning of my drive I passed a dead mama deer in the middle of the road.  After dodging to miss the deer carcass, I looked up and caught a glimpse of a fawn running frantically beside the road.  I immediately got emotional and knew God used the deer to represent my students.  It seemed as though we were having this conversation about me being a firm foundation for “my kids” who may be in the middle of major trials and tribulations.  The Lord new exactly what he was doing this morning preparing my heart because one short hour later, a new student who happens to be living with a foster family walked into my classroom.  Beauty and grace.

I pray that you experience happiness too, and here’s the key... stay optimistic.  Even though I came home with throbbing feet, aching knees, and a scratchy voice, I can’t stop thinking of the many joys in this profession.  Today, I cherished hearing those little voices sharing “this was the best first day of school.”  The smiles, the hugs, and the impact are why I stick with this career that sometimes seems so rocky.  As a parent dropped off their child this morning, they shared with me that they had heard great things about me and hope I lived up to their high standards.  This challenges me to the uttermost.  The school day is what the teacher makes of it, and challenge accepted, I strive to make each and every day an optimistic, worthwhile, nurturing journey to learn.

Today, I took another new journey, a journey to reach out to and be a positive impact in 21+ children's lives. Today, their parents took another new journey, by sending in their prize possessions, fearfully and wonderfully made, to another new face in hopes for a great year. Today, many kids took a new journey, experiencing another set of first day jitters. I'm very excited about furthering my relationships with "MY 21 kids" and I can't wait to be touched by each and every child.

On a sidenote, below is where happiness will be experienced this year, wishful thinking (my classroom.)

Sunday, August 4, 2013

A New Journey

I've had the opportunity to begin something I've wanted to do for a long time.  One of my goals this summer was to put together a portfolio, mainly of children photography for now. And here at the end of the summer, I am now getting to check that goal off.  Below are photos from the newborn session I did with my beautiful niece Alice at four days old!  Within the next week or so I'm going to be working with my friends beautiful two year old for birthday pictures :-) 

Enjoy the pictures below!


If anyone has/knows of little children you don't mind me photographing, please tell!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Hello blogworld

After many tries at starting a blog, the journey has officially begun for me!  I can't wait to experience life's blessing with others.  Please take a look at what I've been working on in my The Sweet [Scrapbooking] section and Serendipity [Photography] section!

A Rewarding Undertaking

It's been a year since my marriage with Dale began and I love reliving that special day through the great photographs taken by Katie Klein Photography.  Instead of the pictures being lost in virtual land and never being printed or being shoved into album sleeves to rot, I decided to do something special with the photos for both my mom and I... scrapbooking them all.  This is such a relaxing and enjoyable hobby of mine and why not make something I'll cherish forever.  At this point, I thought I'd be finished with it by now but sadly, I have only completed the first third.  So folks, here I am sharing it with you.  Please feel free to take layout ideas and scrapbooking ideas (the photography ideas aren't mine to give). If you have any questions, do ask!  I hope you enjoy the (first one third) journey as much as I have :-)